Big Idea

Wisdom from above positions disciples to value people as God does. James acknowledged that patterns of prejudice can creep into the church, but wisdom will guide believers as they commit to faith, honor the poor, and follow the royal law of loving neighbors as themselves.

Application / Reflection

  • Write: What do you really value? If you could be like anyone in the world, who would it be? Reflect on the treasures and honor the King gives as opposed to those given by the world’s system. Finally, reflect on the way Wisdom from Above impacts how you see yourself and others.
  • Pray: Repent for times you have mistreated others by showing partiality. Include both the ways you may have devalued the poor and ways you may have placed extra respect and honor on people because of their social status. Pray for wisdom to truly see the value of faith’s riches and your kingdom inheritance. Ask for grace to see that treasure in others as well as in yourself.
  • Share: Think about the ways society reinforces showing partiality in favor of the rich and powerful. How can worship, fellowship, and service remove partiality so that the church can treat all people appropriately and with mercy? Share an example of the impact of someone treating you with appropriate respect.

By Gordon Hikel

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